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admin 发表于 2021-12-4 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Searching for my son——Ding-yi Ping(平定一)
I was transferred as a hospital president from Shiqian county石阡县 of Guizhou to Huangping County黄平县 of Guizhou in November 1945,thus awarenessed An-guo Ping 平安国(Feng-wen Ping平风文),County Magistrate of Huang Ping. He is a native of Shandong Zou country 山东邹县, His wife Chuan-Wen Zhu朱传文, a native of Shandong Tang country山东腾县. we got along with each other very well , they had no children then, so they wanted to adoption my sixth child to be birthed (but then we said jokingly ).
On 1945 Lunar December 30,My wife Ying-Pan潘英 had her sixth child and named him Zheng-ping Tang汤正平,I did not want him to be adopted ,but they wanted him very much,so they adoption my child by agreement, If they had their own children ,they should let him back to us. An-guo Ping was transferred from Huangping County in 1946 autumn ,and he took the child away,remaned him Ding-yi Ping, nickname mao-mao毛毛. When Yue-Wu Wang王跃武 was the Chairman of the Shandong provincial government later, An-guo Ping was Director of the General Office of the provincial government. Before Shandong was liberated , An-guo Ping  followed the troops of Mi-Li李弥 to the south of Kunming .He wrote to me with a child's photo in Kunming, mailing Address was the High Court of Kunming . We lost contact after the liberation ,and we dared not to find them because of the policy.
After  retired in 1985 , I returned home to visit relatives in Zhenjiang镇江, Jiangsu Province,and to find them in Shandong Zou country by the way. ping-Jing平靖 (Agricultural Bureau retired agricultural technicians of Zou country, CPPCC Members ),a distant nephew of An-guo Ping told me, An-guo Ping had resettled in the United States,Ding-yi Ping  had married a foreign girls , address unknown, he contacted An-guo Ping through letter by a distant nephew of An-guo Ping named Zheng-bo Ping平正波 lived in TaiWan. My daughter Zhi-Ping治平(Her birthday is in 1947 Lunar December 30 )had been to Zou country to found An-guo Ping in 1988, the Taiwan Affairs Office of Zou country gave her a proven said that An-guo Ping had moved into a home in the United States from Taiwan,but no accurate address . It was reported , he has lived in an old apartment in Los Angeles .
I had given Zheng-bo Ping a photo of his second brother, third brother,eighth younger brother and nineth younger brother . We couples were "O" blood type , He must be also "O" blood type .
Ming-ju Tang——Retired physician of Guizhou Guiyang Infectious disease hospital
Ying-Pan——Retired physician of Guiyang Jiaxiu Chemical Plant
(Our father Ming-ju Tang汤鸣驹 dead on January 20, 2007 with regret , mother is 92 years old, and she want to meet Ding-yi Ping who live in the United States the last time .)


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