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admin 发表于 2021-11-29 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
D1  LAX-LAS 周五下午5:00左右出发,夜宿拉斯(估计抵达已经半夜了)
D2  From LasVegas(163 mi/262km)前往布莱斯大峡谷住宿锡安公园  周六
抵达后活动:沿途9号公路观赏风景或Hike CanyonOverlook (1 hour, 1 mi/1.6 km round trip)
D3  游览锡安公园     周日
       Hike to Emerald Pools (1 hour, 1.2 mi/1.9 km round trip tothe lower pool) Emerald Pools consistsof three different pools. The hike to the lower pool is easy, moderate to themiddle pool, and strenuous to the upper pool. Lower route ends at lower pooland three waterfalls and has beautiful views of Zion Canyon.
      Weeping Rock (1 hour .4 mi/.64 km round trip) Take the easy stroll tothis alcove where drops of water fall continuously from the cliff face andceiling. It takes about 5-10 minutes to hike. Hanging gardens decorate thealcove. This is always a favorite with visitors and is cool in the summer. Thetrail begins at the Weeping Rock parking area in Zion Canyon.
     Hike Riverside Walk (1.5 hours, 2 mi/3.2 km round trip Followthe paved trail along the Virgin River upstream to the base of Zion Narrows.The trail winds through hanging gardens of wildflowers in spring and summer.The trail is easy with minor drop-offs. The trail begins at the end of ZionCanyon Scenic Drive- Temple of Sinawava. Add a little extra adventure andincredible scenery by walking up the Virgin River Narrows a mile or two. Bring anextra pair of shoes and a walking stick. The trail is the river and you arewalking on slippery rocks as you go up the Narrows.
2:30pm 直接从锡安国家公园出发回LA, 晚上10点左右能抵达LA
有意者加我QQ:298644736  注明:参加锡安公园游玩的。


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